I`m back from a prolonged shopping trip, full of sexy goodies designed to tantalize you.
Stay tuned, lots of luxury foot wear are ready to be worshiped, I bet you all crave to see me wearing the last aquisitions. Here is the first little glimpse:
It`s that time again – time to put you at your place, at My feet. It`s been a long week for you without Me, lusting and craving for the privilege of being in My presence. Time to surrender to your biggest weakness – the perfect feet of a superior woman.
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In the mood for giantess games this evening. How would you like it to be a small little worm looking up at My perfection, gazing up those endless nyloned legs, feeling small, pathetic and especially helpless. I bet you would enjoy this power exchange game as much as I would. I`m sure you would agree any game that involves my perfect feet anyway, because that`s what you are – you are My little foot addicted boy!
Your journey begins under my smooth soles wearing the finest silky nylons, you would love to have them rubbing your face while inhaling the scent of my designer leather shoes that I took off after walking all over you.
You continue to explore the silkness of my sheer expensive nylons as I tease and push you away. You crave for a trip on the silky road, but there is a long way to walk untill you could deserve this privilege.
There is no other who understands better your weakness for gorgeous feet, perfect long legs and high arches combined with smooth soles. I know boys like you better than anyone else, that`s why I have you all wrapped around my little toes. First you`re curious, then you`re getting arroused and of course when you realise you are trapped in an insatiable addiction for My feet, it`s already too late. Embrace your faith, you were born to serve in the foot stable of a true Goddess.
You work your ass really hard to provide Me the best luxury gifts, all layed at My feet, as I deserve. Make sure to work even harder, I`ll be around next couple of days so make sure you pop in to show your worthiness.
Chat with Me now!
Hello dear foot boy.
I have the pleasure to introduce you to your new addiction. You may drop on your knees and meet The Deadly Highness. No, you may not shake hands. You need to be respectful and humble, well… as much as your weakness allows you.
I know how aroused you get while sitting on the floor, and looking up to My perfection.
And I also know how weak you get fantasizing to touch my perfect foot, massage my soles and rub on my toes – keep on dreaming, that should be the challenge of your life, it`s not gonna be easy to impress Me in order to get that privilege, but I`m sure it`s gonna worth every minute of it. Now get to work, foot boy!
Small dick boys know their place now, under My feet, you know My high arch feet was born to be the sky limit of your little sad world – You know you will only see the outter world when I allow you, you know you are captured, trapped, all under My feet, that`s the border of the zone I allow you to live in. it`s a cage and a privilege in the same time. It`s the prison you have always dreamed about – under My Feet